Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Does Traffic Monsoon Pay Out

In this post, I'm going to answer the question does Traffic Monsoon pay out. I can honestly 100% with certainty say, YES IT DOES. You don't have to take my word for it though but yes Traffic Monsoon has been paying me on an hourly basis and I have never had an issue withdrawing my cash.

Most of the time the payments seem instant.

Can you make money with Traffic Monsoon

Yes you can if you take action and simply tell your story. I will say that results are not typical but obtainable if you put enough energy into Traffic Monsoon

Is Traffic Monsoon a biz op

Traffic monsoon can be a biz op but that's not what it is intended to be. Traffic Monsoon is a place for you to get traffic to your websites (preferable promoting other biz ops).

Can Traffic Monsoon get you referrals in other businesses?

Yes it can! To date, I have 80+ referrals in other biz ops from Monsoon traffic alone.

Can Traffic Monsoon pay you a full time income?

Yes, anything can if you put enough hard work and effort into it.

Would I recommend Traffic Monsoon to anyone in a home based business, network marketing, affiliate marketing, or internet marketing company?

Yes, in fact with over 35 million home business owners in the U.S. Alone and only 115,000 people in Traffic Monsoon that's a very large market to yet tap into.

Do you have to recruit to make money in Traffic Monsoon?

No, all you have to do is surf 10 ads daily in the traffic exchange and have at least 1 active ad pack.

How much are ad packs and why should I buy one?

$50 and each ad pack get's you 20 clicks (not impressions) on your banners and 1000 traffic exchange credits which equal 1000 visitors to your website of choice. Over time each ad pack will earn you $55. Ad packs are traffic bundles and NOT an investment.

Is Traffic Monsoon registered and legit?

Yes, in the state of Utah it is registered and you can check out the info here.
I'm running hard with Traffic Monsoon and I highly suggest you get in the race!

Rob Fraser
Also see
Traffic Monsoon

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